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: Basic physics Group-2 (3300005)
Chap :1
SI units & Measurement
1. Define physical quantity, unit,
scalar quantity & vector quantity.
2. Write properties of unit.
3. Write short note on SI system.
4. Define basic unit of SI?
5. Draw fig. of vernier calipers?
6. Draw fig. of micrometer screw guage ?
7. Explain zero, positive and negative
error of vernier caliperse.
8. Explain zero, positive and negative
error of micrometer screw.
9. Write L.C. formula for vernier and
10. Define accuracy and precision.
11. Define error and explain its types.
12. Explain estimation of error with
13. Define significant figure and give
its example.
14. Fill the blank.
a. Unit of heat in CGS is _____& MKS
b. Unit of force in CGS is ____& MKS
c. 1 newton = ______dyne
d. 1 joule = _______erg
e. 1 m3 = _____cm3
has _____significant figure.
g. 5300 has _____significant figure.
h. 53.00 has _____significant figure
Chap :2
Static & Current Electricity
1. What is electric charge? Give its
type and write its unit.
2. State coulomb’s law with its
mathematical expression.
3. Define electric field and write its
equation and its units.
4. Define electric potential and write
its equation and its unit.
5. Define electric flux and write its equation
and its unit.
6. Define electric current and write its
equation and its unit.
7. Define electric current density and
write its equation and its unit.
8. State ohm’s law with its mathematical
expression and give its limitation.
9. Define resistance, resistivity,
conductance & conductivity with equation and unit.
10. Derive an expression for equivalent
resistance for resistor connected in series and parallel.
11. Write advantages and disadvantages of
series and parallel connection.
12. State kirchhoff’s first law and
second law.
13. Explain heating effect of current.
14. Explain power and derived its
equation and its units.
15. 1kwh=_______J
16. Explain chemical effect of current
and define faraday’s laws.
Chap 3:
Electromagnetism & AC current.
1. Define and give its unit : Magnetic
field, Magnetic Intensity, Magnetic Flux.
2. Write characteristics of magnetic
3. Distinguish between Dia,Para and
Ferro magnetic material.
4. Define magnetization, magnetic
intensity, magnetic susceptibility.
5. Explain hysteresis loop.
6. Explain soft and hard ferromagnetic.
7. Explain electromagnetic induction and
faraday’s experiment.
8. Explain lenz law.
9. Explain faraday’s law.
10. Explain AC Generator.
Chap 4:
Semiconductor & Nano-Technology.
1. Explain Energy band in solid (Valence
band, Forbidden Energy Gap, Conduction band).
2. Explain classification of solids
based on energy bands.
3. Define intrinsic and extrinsic
4. Explain p-type and n-type
5. Define super conductivity and
critical temperature.
6. Explain P-N junction diode.
7. Explain forward bias and reverse bias
8. Explain half wave rectifier, full
wave rectifier and bridge rectifier.
9. What is transistor? write its types.
10. Explain working of transistor.
11. Explain input and output
12. Explain transistor parameters.
13. What is Nano technology?
14. Write properties and application of
Nano material.
15. Explain fundamental carbon based Nano
16. Explain how surface area to volume
ratio is important for Nano structure material.
Unit : 5 Sound, Laser & Optical Fiber
1. Explain
mechanical wave and non-mechanical wave
2. Difference
between transverse wave and longitudinal wave
3. Define
wavelength, frequency, phase, periodic time, amplitude, stationary wave,
progressive wave, node, antinode.
4. Write
a short note on resonance.
5. Explain
newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air.
6. Define
electromagnetic wave and state properties of electromagnetic wave.
7. Define
reflection of light and write laws of reflection.
8. Define
refraction of light and write laws of refraction.
9. Explain
dispersion of light.
10. Explain
total internal reflection.
11. Explain
interference, constructive and destructive interference.
12. Explain
13. Explain
diffraction. Difference between fresnal and fraunhoffer diffraction.
14. Define:
superposition principle, monochromatic light, polychromatic light, coherent
15. Give
full form of LASER and writes its properties.
16. Difference
between ordinary light and laser light.
17. Difference
between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission.
18. Define
optical pumping, population inversion.
19. Draw
the figure of He-Ne laser and explain production of laser.
20. Write
uses of laser.
21. Write
note on construction of optical fiber.
22. Explain
Numerical aperture and acceptance angle.